Read this guideline before starting the quizzes

Created 3 years ago
@Bonaventure_BarryProfile is locked. Login

Knowthyself222 aims to help users know themselves better by going through thoughtful quizzes, asking empowering questions, and attending a coaching session.

They are meant to unlock answers that will lead to unlocking hidden potential and wisdom.

At the end of each section, it is important to join the group coaching session related to the section you are focusing on.

30% of the wisdom is gain by taking the quiz individually and 70% by engaging in the discussion with the coach and other participants.

Those insights become wisdom when they can be used in our day-to-day life.

You should be receptive to feedback, open to new truths, and respect other opinions because we do not have the same upbringing and karmic lesson to overcome, yet we learn from each other every day.

You are encouraged to ask deep questions related to matters that are important to you and to be open to receiving someone else input from their own personal experiences.

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